Toyota USA - Saatchi Worldwide | Saatchi Buffalo | Saatchi Connecticut
- created 3d renderings of designs for social media polling
- Maintain clear message for advertising campaigns
- create designs for partner affiliations while highlighting customer product.
Toyota USA - Saatchi Worldwide | Saatchi Buffalo | Saatchi Connecticut
- created 3d renderings of designs for social media polling
- Maintain clear message for advertising campaigns
- create designs for partner affiliations while highlighting customer product.

materials; are becoming over being, engaging change and transformation over fixed states.they
emerge with energies that surpass their
physicality. they are impermanent, precarious, and
unraveling, with a potential for active change that is beyond us, possessing their own agency.
water is inherently active, always becoming, continually taking shape while never assuming one. in its
collaboration with other matter,
territories are carved out to reveal unnoticed and new characteristics. water
passes through salt blocks; walls and floors are
saturated; salt crystalizes as the air humidifies. these disruptions
filter place through impurification. the two combine in to one and other, pointing to the
interruptions within: sites of porosity, channels of both restriction and passage.
working between past and
future without a present forces a reordering of the space/time relationship.
time as
dislocation, provoking matter to reinvent itself, offers both risk and opportunity. becoming allows
continual engagement and motion through duration. this
duration of process reveals action and intervals which exist outside of a linear progression and
advances as an irretrievable place.
the works
ephemeral environments are minimal in construction yet complete in their
implication. Their shifting scales and mobility disclaim a fully resolved reference and
undermine the totality of a static form and function. As self-obscuring topographies, they reveal significant
intervals between matter and form. Materials push against surfaces while simultaneously
fraternizing with their
structures. As the process continues to diffuse and disfigure, it does not weaken, but instead
becomes an evolving
other. In dialogue with the spaces they inhabit, these environments are
shaping and being shaped, and make necessary an inquiry into the role of one’s
body in relation to various structures and materials.